Modal Shift Transport Planning

Modal Shift – Transport Planning, Modelling & Data Analysis


We are transport planners with many years of experience on civil engineering, highway and public transport projects. We specialise in transport modelling, business case preparation, strategic multi-modal transport studies, transport master planning, demand and revenue forecasting, and scheme appraisal to TAG (DfT's Transport Analysis Guidance) standards.

Our transport models have been used for the analysis and evaluation of both public transport and highway schemes, land use masterplans, rail and light rail upgrades, operational analysis of transit schemes and monitoring of highway levels of service.


We are passionate about using new innovations in modelling and data capture to better represent transport trends and build public transport systems that encourage modal shift away from private cars. We have used activity based models to represent how we can forecast the movements of our populations, with a good grounding in the methodology and theoretical basis of these pioneering modelling tools that can simulate the impacts of policies on individual and system-level behaviour and outcomes. These can provide a better understanding of the potential impacts of different policy interventions than traditional 4 stage models.

Our models provide insights into complex travel movements, but also consider other factors increasingly needing analysis such as fair access, sustainability, land use, new technologies, behavior, environmental impacts and climate change. We simplify the messages from often complex modelling processes and provide robust and valuable insights into transport needs and how they can be sustainably satisfied.

We have extensive experience in VISUM, EMME, CUBE, SATURN, and OMNITRANS transport planning software.

We have in-depth knowledge of rail planning tools such PLANET, MOIRA, and RAILPLAN. We are familiar with both TAG and PDFH (Passenger Demand Forecast Handbook), and made major contributions to the development and maintenance of the HS2 business case model, based on PLANET.

We are accredited to use TfL's strategic transport models RAILPLAN (PT), MoTiON (London wide demand model), LoHam (highway), Cynemon (cycling) and One (Operational highway model).

Data Analysis

We have extensive experience in transport surveys, along with the associated data capture and analysis. We designed a series of household surveys to support an ABM model in the Gulf, and have created base year demand matrices from mobile phone data, supplemented by other, more convential traffic survey data. As a result we are recognised experts in building travel demand matrices from Big Data sources such as mobile phone, GPS, census and GIS data.

We are experts in PostGreSQL, MS SQL Server, MySQL and Access databases, and Excel spreadsheets with a focus on data manipulation, presentation and reformatting. We write applications in Python (inc. Pandas), Javascript, Perl, VB.NET, ASP.NET and SQL, and develop web and database applications.

We are also experienced users of QGIS, PostGIS, MapInfo and ArcInfo GIS software and technologies./p>

Project Management

We provide project and technical leadership for the teams we work with, to produce high quality, well documented work within time and budget constraints, often  working within very challenging environments.

We are generally in team leadership roles, advising wider team members on modelling results, and mentoring junior members of staff.

We provide clear written and verbal communication of technical and economic concepts, and can effectively present technical and economic advice to non-technical audiences. We have written and reviewed many technical reports and internal briefing papers. Survey Reports, Model Calibration and Validation Reports, Model Development Reports, Forecasting Reports and business Case Reports have all been written for the models we work on, and we contribute to Transport Strategy Reports and Land Use Strategy Reports.